This morning, I thought I would share an exerpt from my new book, "54th Journey Around the Sun (Chronicles of the Life and Times of a Preachers Boy)."
19,724 or 54th Journey Around the Sun
"As dawn broke over the Nishna Valley in America's heartland, there were just a few vapor trails streaking across America's otherwise clear morning sky. I was standing atop Atlantic, Iowa's tallest building, the Heritage House, I could feel the sun begin to warm my face as it rose above the treeline. Misty early morning fog hugged the ground blotting out streets and most of the houses and other buildings. Missing on the horizon were the majestic mountain ranges I had become so accustomed to in Alaska. Still, few things I have witnessed that are as beautiful. "It's my birthday, the 9th of October, and today marks my 54th journey around the sun," I thought. Aloud I said, "I wonder how many sunrises that is?" 19,724.
As though someone were using a TV remote flipping through the channels, bits and pieces of my life, tragedies and triumph alike, washed across my clear blue mind. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on certain events, from the earliest recollections as a child, to the events leading to this very moment. Milestones some. Regrets? Yes, I have a few regrets. Adventure? Oh yes, a lifetime of adventure. "There has been a lot of living crammed in these 54 years," I thought. Then, it occurred to me that if there were to be any kind of record, or account of my life, I had to put pen to paper, as it were. It may be of little importance to most, however, rather than leave many particulars of my life to speculatation, myths, non-truths or even outright lies, I give you a candid, honest and permanent record of this short and humble existence. Not for me, but for my posterity..."
Copyright © 2008 D. Doc Derry
All Rights Reserved.
Trust me when I say this is one of the most difficult endeavours I have ever undertaken. Yet, I find it is one of the most rewarding. The chronicles have begun, and I have completed several chapters. This book will also contain many photos and The Life and Times of the Derry Family in America since 1752.
I do not have a finish date as yet, but when it is done, I will be sure to let you all know.
Peace!D. Doc Derry